1. Certifications, reports, or other requirements regarding handicap, disability,
illness, physical fitness, or other physical condition that are related to class B
hunting permits, testimony by telephone at tax dispute hearings conducted by a
board of review, releases of land from farmland preservation agreements, polygraph
testing by employers, verification of illness of striking municipal workers, duty of
hospitals to provide emergency treatment, notification of the Department of
Transportation about a patient's ability to drive, and participation in a property tax
loan program administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development
Authority, and driver's instructor licenses.
2. Certifications, reports, or examinations regarding handicap, disability, or
other physical condition required for participation in a program for state agencies to
make procurements from work centers for the severely physically handicapped,
disability annuities administered by the Employee Trust Funds Board, eligibility of
veterans for public employment, and exemptions of unemployed persons from
certain supervision fees otherwise required by the Department of Corrections.
3. Appointments to the Private Employer Health Coverage Board in the
Department of Employee Trust Funds.

4. Privacy requirements for medical communications regarding residents of
nursing homes and community-based residential facilities and for releases of
information by the Department of Health and Family Services, and requirements
regarding the release of employee medical records by employers.
5. Reports required for accidents involving all-terrain vehicles and
snowmobiles and investigations of snowmobile accidents by the Department of
Natural Resources.
6. Requirements for drawing blood for testing persons arrested for intoxicated
operation of motor vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, or boats.
7. Physical examinations required for civil service employees of first class
cities, for participation in the Wisconsin service and conservation corps programs,
and for certain school employees and statements about job applicants obtained by the
Division of Merit Recruitment and Selection of the Department of Employment
8. Access to physical examinations and medical evidence in personal injury
9. Requirements for participating in the Volunteer Health Care Provider
program administered by the Department of Health and Family Services.
10. Eligibility of nonprofit hospitals for property tax exemption regarding
certain health and fitness centers.
11. Reduced railroad rates allowed for physicians.
12. Exception to immunity from civil liability for emergency care that applies
to care provided in a physician's office.
Finally, the bill specifies that other references to a "physician" under current
law mean a physician licensed by the Medical Examining Board. As a result, the bill
does not change the meaning of those references under current law.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB356, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.165 (5) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,7,22 15.165 (5) (a) 7. One member who is a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 2 3Section 2. 15.197 (25) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,7,54 15.197 (25) (a) 1. Four physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), who represent
5urban and rural areas.
AB356, s. 3 6Section 3. 15.405 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
115.405 (7m) Nursing home administrator examining board. There is created
2a nursing home administrator examining board in the department of regulation and
3licensing consisting of 9 members appointed for staggered 4-year terms and the
4secretary of health and family services or a designee, who shall serve as a nonvoting
5member. Five members shall be nursing home administrators licensed in this state.
6One member shall be a physician as defined in s. 448.01 (5). One member shall be
7a nurse licensed under ch. 441. Two members shall be public members. No more than
82 members may be officials or full-time employees of this state.
AB356, s. 4 9Section 4. 15.407 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,8,2110 15.407 (1m) Respiratory care practitioners examining council. There is
11created a respiratory care practitioners examining council in the department of
12regulation and licensing and serving the medical examining board in an advisory
13capacity in the formulating of rules to be promulgated by the medical examining
14board for the regulation of respiratory care practitioners. The respiratory care
15practitioners examining council shall consist of 3 certified respiratory care
16practitioners, each of whom shall have engaged in the practice of respiratory care for
17at least 3 years preceding appointment, one physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), and
18one public member. The respiratory care practitioner and physician members shall
19be appointed by the medical examining board. The members of the examining
20council shall serve 3-year terms. Section 15.08 (1) to (4) (a) and (6) to (10) shall apply
21to the respiratory care practitioners examining council.
AB356, s. 5 22Section 5. 15.915 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,9,423 15.915 (2) (b) A representative of local health departments who is not an
24employee of the department of health and family services, one physician , as defined
25in s. 448.01 (5),
representing clinical laboratories, one member representing private

1environmental testing laboratories, one member representing occupational health
2laboratories and 3 additional members, one of whom shall be a medical examiner or
3coroner, appointed for 3-year terms. No member appointed under this paragraph
4may be an employee of the laboratory of hygiene.
AB356, s. 6 5Section 6. 16.009 (1) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
AB356, s. 7 6Section 7. 20.927 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,9,127 20.927 (1m) Except as provided under subs. (2) and (3), no funds of this state
8or of any county, city, village, town or family care district under s. 46.2895 or of any
9subdivision or agency of this state or of any county, city, village or town and no federal
10funds passing through the state treasury shall be authorized for or paid to a
11physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or other medical
12facility for the performance of an abortion.
AB356, s. 8 13Section 8. 29.193 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,9,1614 29.193 (3) (a) Produces a certificate from a licensed physician, as defined in s.
15448.01 (5),
or optometrist stating that his or her sight is impaired to the degree that
16he or she cannot read ordinary newspaper print with or without corrective glasses.
AB356, s. 9 17Section 9. 30.67 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,9,2518 30.67 (6) (b) In cases of death involving a boat in which the person died within
196 hours of the time of the accident, a blood specimen of at least 10 cc. shall be
20withdrawn from the body of the decedent within 12 hours after his or her death, by
21the coroner or medical examiner or by a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), so
22designated by the coroner or medical examiner or by a qualified person at the
23direction of the physician. All morticians shall obtain a release from the coroner or
24medical examiner prior to proceeding with embalming any body coming under the
25scope of this section. The blood so drawn shall be forwarded to a laboratory approved

1by the state health officer for analysis of the alcoholic content of the blood specimen.
2The coroner or medical examiner causing the blood to be withdrawn shall be notified
3of the results of each analysis made and shall forward the results of each analysis
4to the state health officer. The state health officer shall keep a record of all
5examinations to be used for statistical purposes only. The cumulative results of the
6examinations, without identifying the individuals involved, shall be disseminated
7and made public by the state health officer. The department shall reimburse
8coroners and medical examiners for the costs incurred in submitting reports and
9taking blood specimens and laboratories for the costs incurred in analyzing blood
10specimens under this section.
AB356, s. 10 11Section 10. 36.25 (11) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,10,1812 36.25 (11) (b) The laboratory shall provide complete laboratory services in the
13areas of water quality, air quality, public health and contagious diseases for
14appropriate state agencies, and may perform examinations for licensed physicians,
15as defined in s. 448.01 (5), veterinarians, local health officers, as defined in s. 250.01
16(5), and resource management officials as may be necessary for the prevention and
17control of those diseases and environmental hazards which cause concern for public
18health and environmental quality.
AB356, s. 11 19Section 11. 36.25 (13g) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,10,2220 36.25 (13g) (b) 2. Providing an environment suitable for instructing medical
21and other health professions students, physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), nurses
22and members of other health-related disciplines.
AB356, s. 12 23Section 12. 39.16 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,11,224 39.16 (2) (d) Encourage the development of continuing education programs for
25practicing physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), in this state, including

1communication links with outlying regions of the state that would allow
2practitioners to have access to their medical schools.
AB356, s. 13 3Section 13. 46.18 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,11,104 46.18 (10) Annual report. On July 1 of each year the trustees shall prepare
5a report for the preceding fiscal year and shall transmit a copy to the department of
6health and family services and a copy to the county clerk, and keep a copy on file at
7the institution. The report shall be accompanied by an inventory of all properties on
8hand on the last day of the fiscal year, an estimate of the receipts and expenditures
9for the current fiscal year, and the reports of the superintendent and visiting
10physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), of the institution.
AB356, s. 14 11Section 14. 46.19 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,11,1412 46.19 (4) The salaries of the superintendent, visiting physician, as defined in
13s. 448.01 (5),
and all necessary additional officers and employees shall be fixed by the
14county board.
AB356, s. 15 15Section 15. 46.21 (2) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,12,1316 46.21 (2) (m) May establish and maintain in connection with such county
17hospital, an emergency unit or department for the treatment, subject to such rules
18as may be prescribed by the county board of supervisors, of persons in the county who
19may meet with accidents or be suddenly afflicted with illness not contagious;
20provided that medical care and treatment shall only be furnished in such unit or
21department until such time as the patient may be safely removed to another hospital
22or to his or her place of abode, or regularly admitted to the county hospital. The
23county board of supervisors may also contract with any private hospital or nonprofit
24hospital within the county for the use of its facilities and for medical service to be
25furnished by a licensed physician, or physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), to

1patients who require emergency medical treatment or first aid as a result of any
2accident, injury or sudden affliction of illness occurring within the county, except
3that reasonable compensation may only be authorized until the patient is regularly
4admitted as an inpatient or safely removed to another hospital or to his place of
5abode. In this paragraph, "hospital" includes, without limitation due to
6enumeration, public health centers, medical facilities and general, tuberculosis,
7mental, chronic disease and other types of hospitals and related facilities, such as
8laboratories, outpatient departments, nurses' home and training facilities, and
9central service facilities operated in connection with hospitals. In this paragraph,
10"hospital" does not include any hospital furnishing primarily domiciliary care. In
11this paragraph "nonprofit hospital" means any hospital owned and operated by a
12corporation or association, no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may
13lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
AB356, s. 16 14Section 16. 46.21 (4m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,12,2115 46.21 (4m) (a) The county hospitals and county sanatoriums of a county with
16a population of 500,000 or more shall be devoted to hospital service and the
17treatment of patients upon such terms and conditions as the county board of
18supervisors establishes. The hospitals and sanatoriums may be utilized for
19instruction of medical students, physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), and nurses
20and for scientific and clinical research that will promote the welfare of the patients
21and assist the application of science to the alleviation of human suffering.
AB356, s. 17 22Section 17. 46.245 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,13,7 2346.245 Information for certain pregnant women. Upon request, a county
24department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 shall distribute the materials described
25under s. 253.10 (3) (d), as prepared and distributed by the department. A physician,

1as defined in s. 448.01 (5),
who intends to perform or induce an abortion or another
2qualified physician, as defined in s. 253.10 (2) (g), who reasonably believes that he
3or she might have a patient for whom the information under s. 253.10 (3) (d) is
4required to be given, shall request a reasonably adequate number of the materials
5from the county department under this section or from the department under s.
6253.10 (3) (d). An individual may request a reasonably adequate number of the
AB356, s. 18 8Section 18. 46.27 (1) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,13,99 46.27 (1) (bg) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 19 10Section 19. 46.297 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,13,1311 46.297 (2) (a) The person is certified as deaf or severely hearing impaired by
12a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), an audiologist licensed under subch. II of ch.
13459, or the department.
AB356, s. 20 14Section 20. 46.298 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,13,24 1546.298 Vehicle sticker for the hearing impaired. Upon the request of a
16person who is certified as hearing impaired by the department, by a physician, as
17defined in s. 448.01 (5),
by a hearing instrument specialist licensed under subch. I
18of ch. 459 or by an audiologist licensed under subch. II of ch. 459, the department
19shall issue to the person a decal or sticker for display on a motor vehicle owned or
20frequently operated by the person to apprise law enforcement officers of the fact that
21the vehicle is owned or operated by a hearing-impaired person. No charge shall be
22made for issuance of the decal or sticker. The department shall specify the design
23of the decal or sticker. The department shall designate the location on the vehicle
24at which the decal or sticker shall be affixed by its own adhesive.
AB356, s. 21 25Section 21. 46.56 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.56 (3) (b) 3. Physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), specializing in care for
AB356, s. 22 3Section 22. 46.87 (5) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,14,64 46.87 (5) (a) 1. At least one member of the household must be a person who has
5been diagnosed by a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), as having Alzheimer's
AB356, s. 23 7Section 23. 48.02 (14k) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,88 48.02 (14k) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 24 9Section 24. 49.148 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,14,1910 49.148 (1m) (b) Receipt of a grant under this subsection constitutes
11participation in a Wisconsin works employment position for purposes of the time
12limits under ss. 49.145 (2) (n) and 49.147 (3) (c), (4) (b) or (5) (b) 2. if the child is born
13to the participant more than 10 months after the date that the participant was first
14determined to be eligible for assistance under s. 49.19 or for a Wisconsin works
15employment position unless the child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault
16in violation of s. 940.225 (1), (2) or (3) in which the mother did not indicate a freely
17given agreement to have sexual intercourse or of incest in violation of s. 944.06 or
18948.06 and that incest or sexual assault has been reported to a physician, as defined
19in s. 448.01 (5),
and to law enforcement authorities.
AB356, s. 25 20Section 25. 49.19 (11s) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,14,2521 49.19 (11s) (b) 2. The child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault in
22violation of s. 940.225 (1), (2) or (3) in which the mother did not indicate a freely given
23agreement to have sexual intercourse or of incest in violation of s. 944.06 or 948.06
24and that incest or sexual assault has been reported to a physician , as defined in s.
25448.01 (5),
and to law enforcement authorities.
AB356, s. 26
1Section 26. 49.26 (1) (g) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,42 49.26 (1) (g) 11. If the individual is the mother of a child, a physician, as defined
3in s. 448.01 (5),
has not determined that the individual should delay her return to
4school after giving birth.
AB356, s. 27 5Section 27. 49.43 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,86 49.43 (9) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery,
7and includes graduates of osteopathic colleges holding an unlimited license to
8practice medicine and surgery
has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 28 9Section 28. 50.01 (4p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,15,1010 50.01 (4p) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 29 11Section 29. 50.09 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,1712 50.09 (1) (a) (intro.) Private and unrestricted communications with the
13resident's family, physician, chiropractor, attorney and any other person, unless
14medically contraindicated as documented by the resident's physician or chiropractor
15in the resident's medical record, except that communications with public officials or
16with the resident's attorney shall not be restricted in any event. The right to private
17and unrestricted communications shall include, but is not limited to, the right to:
AB356, s. 30 18Section 30. 50.36 (3g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,2419 50.36 (3g) (c) If a hospital grants a psychologist hospital staff privileges or
20limited hospital staff privileges under par. (b), the psychologist or the hospital shall,
21prior to or at the time of hospital admission of a patient, identify an appropriate
22physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), as defined in s. 448.01 (5), with admitting
23privileges at the hospital who shall be responsible for the medical evaluation and
24medical management of the patient for the duration of his or her hospitalization.
AB356, s. 31 25Section 31. 50.49 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
150.49 (1) (d) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 32 2Section 32. 50.90 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,16,93 50.90 (3) "Palliative care" means management and support provided for the
4reduction or abatement of pain, for other physical symptoms and for psychosocial or
5spiritual needs of individuals with terminal illness and includes physician services
6provided by a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), skilled nursing care, medical
7social services, services of volunteers, and bereavement services. "Palliative care"
8does not mean treatment provided in order to cure a medical condition or disease or
9to artificially prolong life.
AB356, s. 33 10Section 33. 51.01 (13m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,16,1111 51.01 (13m) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB356, s. 34 12Section 34. 55.043 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,16,1513 55.043 (1) (b) (intro.) The county protective services agency may transport the
14vulnerable adult for performance of a medical examination by a physician , as defined
15in s. 448.01 (5),
if any of the following applies:
AB356, s. 35 16Section 35. 59.53 (13) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,16,2017 59.53 (13) (a) No county, or agency or subdivision of the county, may authorize
18funds for or pay to a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), or surgeon or a hospital,
19clinic or other medical facility for the performance of an abortion except those
20permitted under and which are performed in accordance with s. 20.927.
AB356, s. 36 21Section 36. 59.64 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,17,222 59.64 (1) (a) In general. Every person, except jurors, witnesses and
23interpreters, and except physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), or other persons who
24are entitled to receive from the county fees for reporting to the register of deeds births
25or deaths, which have occurred under their care, having any claim against any

1county shall comply with s. 893.80. This paragraph does not apply to actions
2commenced under s. 19.37, 19.97 or 281.99.
AB356, s. 37 3Section 37. 60.23 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,17,74 60.23 (9) Resident physicians, physician assistants, and nurses in certain
In a town comprised entirely of one or more islands, annually appropriate
6money to retain a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), or, if no such physician is
7available, a physician assistant or nurse practitioner, as a resident within the town.